2025年1月7日 星期二

昆達利尼瑜伽方法如何處理輻射 (完整版) (How to Deal With Radiation the Kundalini Yoga Way)





Yogi Bhajan在 1978 年 5 月 17 日教授了原子輻射冥想。 1986 年切爾諾貝利核災難期間,Yogi Bhajan 還給了 Tarn Taran Kaur 一個抗輻射果汁配方,當時她住在德國漢堡,風將輻射帶向西邊。 我們也有降低輻射水平的治療浴。 對於我們這些生活在「天然」輻射高地區的人,以及日本災區的人來說,這些都是有用的資訊。 (完整的 11 分鐘冥想,將基因能量圈 Aura 增加到 1 英寸)

Spirit Voyage 請求 Sat Darshan Singh 和我( Sirgun Kaur )錄製一些東西供人們一起唱誦。 畢竟,到目前為止,很少使用的「 Praana Apaana」曼陀羅,確實還沒有這樣的錄音。 我們相信,對於人們現在瞭解和練習來說,這是一個非常重要的冥想( 2011年 ),所以我們很高興能夠服務大家! 

「 如果你的內心動盪不安,這種冥想將防止你死亡。 它可以隨時進行,其效果是讓你平靜下來,讓你充滿活力,讓你放鬆。」 — Yogi Bhajan 

即使你沒有受到輻射的影響 — 你也可以練習這種冥想,它將有益於你的人類同胞。

☀️ 坐好,脊柱挺直

☀️ 讓上臂靠在你的身體兩側

☀️ 抬起你的前臂,使雙手在脖子高度水平

☀️ 保持在智慧指印 Gyan Mudra中(拇指和食指碰觸)




想持續多久就持續多久 — 單獨或群體練習。

Yogi Ji 解釋說:「 如果發生原子戰爭時你沒有被死掉,如果你的基因能量圈aura有1英寸厚,那麼輻射就不會殺死你。」 

PRAANAA 是與電子相對應的生命力量

APANAA是 與質子相對應的消除力量

SHUSHMNAA 是與中子相對應的中央力量

Yogi Bhajan 的更多評論:「 大氣中有太多的輻射,你的神經無法忍受,你會變得暴躁和不安。 那些交感神經系統差的人,無法保持冷靜,他們會做錯事。 在原子能輻射或徹底破壞的情況下,如果你能用這個完善你的心智,它可能會對你有所幫助。」 

「 這是最神聖的曼陀羅之一。 這個 Kriya 當場有效。 並不是說如果我們今天誦讀它,它明天就會奏效。 但它會在對的地方起作用。 你唱誦多少,它就會回報多少給你。 它將切斷業力,並進入到更多的層面的正法中。 它照顧你的整個組織紋理。」

「 這實際上是獻給神的禮物,也是普拉納Prana 最美麗的奉獻。 這個曼陀羅可以阻止宇宙擾動。 在非常非常古老的時代,當颱風曾經到來時,當毀滅曾經來自天堂時,人們曾經練習過這個曼陀羅。 當他們認為無法逃脫時,他們會坐在一起,冥想和誦經。 不知怎的,神的奇蹟、神的手會拯救他們。 這是基本的曼陀羅。」 





各種形式的海藻海帶和味噌。 還有甜菜根、胡蘿蔔、洋蔥和大蒜。 





消除輻射、化學物和金屬的治療浴。作者: Linda Lancaster 博士。 

☀️ 治療浴用於清潔和中和許多類別的汙染物。 

☀️ 洗澡時應該用儘可能熱的水,但不能感到暈眩。 

☀️ 在浸泡期間,毒素被吸引到皮膚表面。 

☀️ 當水冷卻到略低於體溫時,液體的滲透交換發生,毒素從體內排出,並進入一桶水。 

☀️ 如果您有高血壓或心臟虛弱,不要讓洗澡水過熱,並事先諮詢您的醫生。 


☀️ 將一磅純鹽和一磅小蘇打倒入一浴缸的熱水中。 

☀️ 使用海鹽或猶太鹽(kosher salt)— 檢查標籤,確保沒有任何添加劑。 

☀️ 在浴缸中浸泡 20-30 分鐘或直到水冷卻。 

☀️ 小蘇打浴:用於人為輻射,如鋇測試和攝入放射性同位素,將兩磅小蘇打倒入一浴缸熱水中。 在浴缸中浸泡 20-30 分鐘,或直到水冷卻。

☀️ Clorox 浴:為了消除化學品和金屬,將 1/2 杯 Clorox 倒入裝滿熱水的浴缸中。 在浴缸中浸泡20-30分鐘或直到水冷卻。 僅使用 Clorox 品牌的漂白劑。 請勿使用新鮮香味或粉狀漂白劑或任何其它品牌。

☀️ 蘋果醋浴:為了消除尿酸沉積物和一些化學物質,


在浴缸裡浸泡 30 分鐘。 有時會出汗。

☀️ 短期解毒劑(連結至以下全文)

N-乙醯-半胱氨酸(NAC)是電離輻射最強大的短期滅火劑。 對於成年人(體重超過 150 磅),每天服用高達 500 毫克的劑量。 對於體重在 100 磅至 149 磅的年輕成年人來說,每天 400 毫克可以提供足夠的保護。 體重低於 100 磅但超過50磅的兒童,每天 200 毫克是合適的劑量。 對於體重小於 50 磅的嬰兒、幼兒或兒童,只要對 NAC 不敏感(即輕微皮疹),每天可以在果汁中使用 50 毫克至 100 毫克。 透過這種方式,NAC可以無限期地每天使用,因為它是無害氨基酸,我們身體可以利用它。 它也是體內有毒金屬(如放射性鈾)的絕佳去除劑。 很少,但仍一些成年人對 NAC 敏感,因此請注意有關其長期使用的特別建議。

☀️ 碘化液體也是礦物補充劑的第一道防線,因為它可以與放射性碘進入我們體內的競爭。 每天最多使用 1000 微克,持續數週。海帶、愛爾蘭苔蘚或大西洋紅藻可以取代液體碘化物。 對於成年人來說,每餐最多服用 5 片,可能是明智的。 但對於對海鮮或碘化物過敏的人來說,不建議服用海帶或液體碘化物。 Kelpis 也是從體內去除有毒金屬的絕佳劑,特別是如果高纖維攝入量也被納入飲食中。

☀️ 小球藻(和其它藍藻)是一種優越的保護劑和去除體內放射性金屬,其內含有不少於 20 種放射性毒藥的優越中和劑。每餐 5 顆(每餐 250 毫克)對成年人來說是很好的劑量,年輕人和兒童每餐 3 顆,非常年輕的人每餐 1 顆。請確保您購買的小球藻品牌的外細胞壁是「開裂」的,以獲得最佳吸收。 可以服用更多,但建議每天不要超過 40 片。

☀️ 優質骨粉(富含鈣和羥基磷灰石鍶)也可以防止放射性鍶中毒。成人、年輕人和兒童建議每餐 3 份,非常年輕的人建議每餐 1-2 份。 

☀️ 天然維生素 E 複合物 — 阻止細胞膜破壞。對於普通成年人來說,每天 800 iu 是極好的劑量,對於年輕人和兒童來說,每天 400 iu。 幼兒和嬰兒每天可以在果汁中加入服用 100 iu。 (備註:Krill Oil、CoQ10(H)和褪黑激素比維生素 E 更有效。 

必須定期食用高纖維和海藻菜餚,以最大限度地發揮上述工具的最佳效果。 這些將有助於確保從體內清除有毒放射性金屬。 

在極少數情況下,如果接觸放射性金屬變得慢性或達到高水平,小蘇打是快速去除這些金屬(特別是鈾)的有效手段。 對於在醫生監督下的成年人,以及在醫療上認為必要時,每餐後 2 小時最多可以服用 1 茶匙食用小蘇打,加上起床和下班後疲累時,在兩週內每天最多服用 7 茶匙。


每頓飯都要吃大量的海蔬菜(所有可食用的海藻)(咀嚼得很好),同時消除所有精製食品,特別是糖。 海洋蔬菜不僅富含碘和其他微量元素,還富含葉綠素、海藻酸鹽和硒,這些物質非常有效地抓住有毒金屬並將其從體內清除。

葉綠素還有助於修復受損組織。 關鍵是從海蔬菜中解放出好東西,烹飪方法和攪拌機在這方面是有幫助的。 

或者,海帶或愛爾蘭苔蘚或大西洋紅藻可以代替攝入海蔬菜。 但是,當對碘敏感是一個問題時,用更昂貴的綠藻小球藻(細胞壁開裂)或更便宜的藍藻螺旋藻代替,以實現一種安全的方法來消除放射性去除。 還可以補充更多資訊,但在這裡介紹太冗長了。

This section is on How to deal with radiation, the Kundalini Yoga way using mediations ,Anti-Radiation Drink, drinking juices,and therapeutic baths.

Meditation for Atomic Radiation

Yogi Bhajan taught a Meditation for Atomic Radiation on May 17, 1978.

Yogi Bhajan also gave an Anti-Radiation Juice recipe to Tarn Taran Kaur during the time of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster when she was living in Hamburg, Germany, and the winds carried the radiation west.

We've also included Therapeutic Bath instructions for decreasing radiation levels. This is all useful information for those of us who live in areas high in 'natural' radiation as well as those in Japan in the disaster area.

(FULL 11 Min Med. to increase gene aura to 1 inch)

Catalyst Yogi
demonstrates how to do this meditation.

Spirit Voyage asked Sat Darshan Singh and I (Sirgun Kaur) if we could record something for people to chant along with. After all, no such recording of the little-used "Praana Apaana" mantra existed thus far. We believe this is a very important mediation for people to know and practice right now (2011) , so we were delighted to be able to serve!

FREE: Recording of Praana Apaana by Sat Darshan Singh and Sirgun Kaur Click here to download this song for free

"If your inside is in a turmoil, this meditation will prevent you from dying. It can be done anytime, and its effect will be to calm you, to energize you, and to relax you." -- Yogi Bhajan

Even if you are not affected by Radiation -- you can practice this meditation and it will benefit your fellow human beings.

  • Sit up with a straight spine

  • Let upper arms hug your sides

  • Hold your lower arms so the hands are at the neck level

  • Palms face away from the Body

  • Hands are in Gyan Mudra ( thumb and index finger touching)

Chant this Mantra 3 Times on one deep breath


Continue for as long as you want -- singly or in a group.

Yogi Ji explained: “If in the event of an atomic war you are not destroyed, radiation will not kill you if your gene aura is 1 inch thick.”

PRAANAA is the life force corresponding to the electron,|
APANAA is the eliminating force corresponding to the proton
SHUSHMNAA is the central force corresponding to the neutron.

The beauty of this mantra is in the touch of the palate and tongue.

More Comments from Yogi Bhajan: “There is so much radiation in the atmosphere that your nerves cannot stand it and you get grouchy and upset. Those who have poor sympathetic nervous systems cannot keep their cool, and they do wrong things. In case of atomic energy radiation or total destruction, if you can perfect your mind with this, it may help you.”

“"This is one of the most sacred mantras. This kriya works right on the spot. It's not that if we chant it today, it will work tomorrow. It will work right then and there. As much as you will chant, that much it will return to you. It will cut out that karma and that much dharma will enter. It takes care of your entire texture.”

“This is actually the offering to God, and it's a most beautiful offering of prana. This mantra can stop the cosmic disturbance. In very, very old times when typhoons used to come, when destruction used to come from the heavens, people used to practice this mantra. When they would think there was no escape, they would sit down together, meditate and chant. Somehow the miracle of God, the hand of God would save them. This is the basic mantra.”

He explained that the Yogis in the Himalaya’s would cover their bodies with ashes to protect from radiation.

Anti-Radiation Juice

Drink 3 glasses daily: 1 part pineapple juice, 1 part tomato juice, 1 part apple juice

The best foods to eat after radiation exposure are:
Seaweed and Miso in various forms. Also beets, carrots, onions, and garlic.
Since the radiation may be on the fresh plants, sprout seeds and beans to replace fresh greens.
We practiced the Radiation Meditation diligently.

It is very important to keep the immune and nervous systems strong. Therefore keep up with yoga and meditation.

Therapeutic Baths for Elimination of Radiation, Chemicals, and Metals By Dr. Linda Lancaster

Therapeutic baths are utilized to cleanse and neutralize many types of pollutants.

  • Baths should be taken in water as hot as you can handle without feeling faint.

  • During the period of soaking, the toxins are drawn to the surface of the skin.

  • As the water cools to slightly below body temperature, osmotic exchange of fluids takes place and the toxins are drawn out of the body and into the tub of water.

  • If you have high blood pressure or heart weakness, do not make the bath too hot, and check with your doctor beforehand.

Sea Salt and Baking Soda Bath: For most types of Radiation

  • Pour one pound of pure salt and one pound of baking soda into the tub of hot water.

    1. Use sea salt or kosher salt—check the label to make sure there are not any additives.

    2. Soak in the tub for 20-30 minutes or until the water cools.

    3. Baking Soda Bath: For Man-Made Radiations such as Barium Tests and Ingested Radioactive Isotopes

Pour two pounds of baking soda into a full tub of hot water. Soak in the tub for 20-30 minutes until the water cools.

Clorox Bath: For Elimination of Chemicals and Metals

  • Pour 1/2 cup of Clorox into the full tub of hot water.

  • Soak in the tub for 20-30 minutes or until the water cools. Use only Clorox brand bleach.

  • Do not use Fresh Scent or powdered bleach or any other brand.

Apple Cidar Vinegar Bath: For Elimination of Uric Acid Deposits and some Chemicals

  • Pour one quart of apple cider vinegar into a tub of hot water.

  • Soak in the tub for 30 minutes. Sweating sometimes occurs.

SHORT TERM ANTIDOTES (link to full article below)

  • N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) is the most powerful short term quencher of ionizing radiation. For adults (weighing above 150lbs) , it is taken in dosages of up to 500mg daily. For younger adults weighing 100lbs to 149lbs, 400mg daily affords adequate protection. In children weighing less than 100lbs, but above 50lbs, 200mg daily is a suitable dose. For infants, toddlers or children weighing less than 50lbs, 50mg to 100mg daily may be used in juice, as long as no sensitivity to NAC arises (i.e., light skin rashes).In this manner, NAC may be used daily on an indefinite basis, as it is a harmless amino acid our bodies will use. It is also an excellent remover of toxic metals from the body, such as radioactive uranium. Rarely, some adults are sensitive to NAC, so be aware of special advisories regarding its long term use.

  • Liquid iodide is also a first line of defense mineral supplement, since it can out-compete radioactive iodide from entering into our bodies. Up to 1,000mcg daily are used for several short weeks.Kelp, Irish Moss or Dulse can then replace the liquid iodide. For adults, up to 5 tablets per meal of any one of these may be wise. But for folks allergic to seafoods or iodide, taking Kelp or liquid iodide is not advised. Kelpis also an excellent remover of toxic metals from the body, especially if high fiber intake is also being incorporated into the diet.

  • Chlorella (and other blue green algae) is a superior protector and remover of radioactive metals from the body contains no less than 20 superior neutralizers to radioactive poisons. 5 per meal (250mg each) is a great dose for adults, 3 per meal for young adults and children, and 1 per meal for the very young.Make sure the Chlorella brand you buy has the outer cell wall "cracked" for best absorption. More may be taken, but it is suggested to not exceed 40 tablets daily.

  • High quality bone meal (rich in Calcium & Strontium Hydroxyapatite) will also protect against radioactive strontium poisoning. 3 per meal as labeled is suggested for adults, young adults and children, and 1-2 per meal for the very young.

  • Natural Vitamin E Complex - To stop cell membrane destruction. 800iu per day is an excellent dose for average adults, and 400iu per day for young adults and children. Toddlers and infants may be given 100iu per day in juice. (Side Note: Krill Oil, CoQ10(H) and Melatonin are more powerful than Vit. E.

  • Consuming High fiber and seaweed dishes on a regular basis must be used to maximize the best effects of the above tools. These will help insure removal of toxic radioactive metals from the body.

  • On rare occassions, if exposures to radioactive metals become chronic or reaches what are considered high levels, baking soda is an efficient means to remove these metals quickly (especially uranium).For adults unde doctor supervision, and when deemed medical necessary, up to 1 teaspoon of baking soda can be taken 2 hours after each meal, plus upon rising and upon retiring, for a maximum total of 7 teaspoons daily over a two week period.

LONG TERM ANTIDOTES (for maintenance):

  • Bone Meal (protects against radioactive Strontium);

  • Chlorella (protects against most radioactive metals);

  • Kelp (protects against radioactive iodide and other radioactive metals);

  • Probiotics - several billion per meal in capsule format (protects against radioactive Strontium).

The least expensive method to protect oneself from radioactive fall-out.

Eating an abundance of sea vegetables (all edible seaweeds) at each meal (chewed well), while eliminating all refined foods, especially sugar.

Sea vegetables are not only rich in iodine and other trace elements, but also in chlorophyll, alginate and selenium, substances very efficient at grabbing onto toxic metals and removing them from the body.

Chlorophyll also aids in repair to damaged tissues. The key is liberating the goodies from sea vegetables, and cooking methods and blenders are helpful in this regard.

Alternatively, Kelp or Irish Moss or Dulse tablets can substitute for ingesting sea vegetables. But when sensitivity to iodine is an issue, substitute the more expensive green-algae Chlorella (cell-wall cracked) or the lesser expensive blue-green algae Spirulina to accomplish a safe means to antidote radioactive fall-out.

There is more to this article than I am including, it is way too long to present here.


本文摘自 Spirit Rising Yoga 

