2024年12月10日 星期二

Yogi Bhajan 啟發了人們 ( Yogi Bhajan Inspired People )


加利福尼亞州長灘,1985年8月26日 — Yogiji 的56 歲生日派對 Yogi Bhajan 


「 在群體意識中,我們必須對一切都負責,不僅對老師負責,而且對男人的兄弟情誼,對女人的姐妹情誼負責。 讓人渴望好好地活著的,正是男人和女人的兄弟和姐妹情誼。 這給了這個人最高的意識。 我們是這種具有覺察力的瑜伽的學生和老師,我們稱之為昆達里尼瑜伽。確實很難在群體意識中活出覺察,因為這樣的群體意識意味著無私。」 

Yogiji 的這句話是他如何鼓勵人們出類拔萃地生活在群體意識中的一個例子。 他的這句話和 Soorya Kaur(Yogi Bhajan的工作人員)拍攝的這張照片,都分享在她 2005 年寫的《 YogiJi – 我們的靈魂之光 》一書的第 52 頁。

Soorya Kaur 分享了對 Yogiji 和 Guru Ram Das 的感激

我想感謝神賜予我很多很多的祝福,特別是感謝我的好朋友 Neesha Singh。 如果沒有她的編輯和寫作技巧,以及與生俱來的攝影覺察,我永遠不會完成這本書。 我們建立了一種夥伴關係,在極短的時間內使這本書成為現實。 

當我在研究這本書要怎麼寫的時,我的照片(我總是試圖讓他為我微笑)讓我在這裡與你分享這些親密的回憶,開啟了閘門。 如果我可以謙虛地說,我不認為這是「 我的書 」,因為 Guru Ram Das 和 Yogiji 看透了我,這本書有它自己的生命。 

很難決定是Guru Ram Das 接納了 Yogiji 還是 Yogiji 接納了 Guru Ram Das 每天早上,當 Yogiji 在印度阿姆利則金廟進行 Seva(無私服務)清洗地板時,他都會聽到 Guru Ram Das 的 Bani(祈禱)。 在此期間,他被一次奇蹟式的靈性提升經歷所啟迪,他與Guru Ram Das的連結將永遠被封印。 Guru Ram Das 成為他和我們的贊助者古魯大師。 我們被教導要呼喚他來承擔我們的痛苦、解決我們的問題、在我們身邊,在需要時創造奇蹟,而古魯總是交付予我們。

Long Beach, California, August 26, 1985 – Yogiji’s 56th birthday party

Yogi Bhajan inspired people to excel and to live for each other in group consciousness.

“In group consciousness, we have to be responsible to everything, not only to a teacher, but to the brotherhood of the man, to the sisterhood of the woman.  It is the brotherhood and the sisterhood of the man and the woman to which man aspires to live.  That gives him the highest awareness.  We are the student and the teacher of this yoga of awareness, that we call Kundalini Yoga.  It is difficult to have awareness, to live in group consciousness, because group consciousness means unselfishness.”

This quote by Yogiji is one example of how he inspired people to excel and to live in group consciousness.

Both this quote by him and this picture taken by Soorya Kaur (staff member of Yogi Bhajan) were shared on page 52 of her book, YogiJi – The Light of Our Souls, written in 2005.

Soorya Kaur Shares Gratitude for Yogiji and Guru Ram Das

If I may humbly say this, I don’t think of this as “my book”. Because Guru Ram Das and Yogiji saw me through it, and it took on a life of its own.

It is difficult to decide whether Guru Ram Das adopted Yogiji or Yogiji adopted Guru Ram Das.  Every morning he performed Seva (selfless service) washing the floors of the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India. Yogiji heard Guru Ram Das’ Bani (prayers).  During this period, he was enlightened by a miraculous spiritually elevating experience. He and his bond with Guru Ram Das was sealed forever.  Guru Ram Das became his and our patron Guru.  We learn to call upon him to take our pain, to sort out our problems, to be there for us, to produce a miracle when needed, and he always delivered.

                               本文選自 STUDENTSOFYOGIBHAJAN

                                   明月心滴翻譯 / 歡迎覺知轉載分享

