2024年12月9日 星期一

Yogi Bhajan 談論兒童:改變創傷進入Rama (Yogi Bhajan on Children: Change Trauma to Rama)

Anandpur Sahib,印度,1999年11月。 Gursurya Kaur,
我的乾女兒從Yogiji 那裡得到了一把盾牌和一把劍

Soorya Kaur(Yogi Bhajan的工作人員),分享了Yogi Bhajan的這些語錄,以及她2005年寫的《YogiJi — 我們的靈魂之光》一書第 60-61 頁上的照片,

「 沒有比在孩子耍弄脾氣時,表現出高尚美德的更好的方式,來教導孩子什麼是高尚美德了。」。 每個孩子都是「Swami Trauma 創傷大師」。 為了使他成為「 Yogi Rama 瑜伽英雄」,父母需要很多高尚的行為。 兒童有創傷的權利,這給了他們攻擊性,以便於他們去瞭知和調查。 期望孩子們擺脫創傷是完全錯誤的。 這意味著父母希望他們的孩子成為蔬菜。 父母有權剪掉「 t 」並留下「 r」。 羅摩。 Rama羅摩意味著太陽和月亮的給予者,而創傷是小我的行動,一個孩子完美地拾起了小我。 

當一個孩子正在經歷創傷時,第一個高尚的行為是讓他認識到他正在經歷創傷,並且你表示理解。 然後它就真的變成了一部肥皂劇。 孩子會立即改變肥皂劇表演,開始做一些不同的事情。 如果這也行不通,你必須以合理的方式行使你的權力,讓孩子認為你無法被這種創傷注入所征服。 那你就會成功的。」

  你不必為了你的孩子去購買愛。 如果你給予價值觀和高貴,他們會愛你直至死亡。」

Anandpur Sahib, India, November, 1999. Gursurya Kaur, my God-daughter is gifted a shield and a sword from Yogiji

Soorya Kaur (staff member of Yogi Bhajan) shared these quotes by Yogi Bhajan and this photo on pages 60-61 of her book YogiJi – The Light of Our Souls, written in 2005

“There is no better way to teach nobility to a child than to demonstrate nobility against their tantrums.  Every child is a ‘Swami Trauma’.  To make him a ‘Yogi Rama’, it takes a lot of noble behavior on the part of the parents.  Children have the right to traumas.  That gives them the aggressiveness to know and investigate.   To expect children to get rid of traumas is totally wrong.  It means parents want their children to be vegetables.  Parents have the right to cut the  ‘t’ and leave the ‘r’.  Rama.  Rama means the giver of the sun and moon, whereas trauma is the act of the ego, which a child picks up perfectly.

When a child is going through a trauma, the first noble act is to make him recognize that he is going through a trauma, and that you understand.  Then it becomes just a drama.  The child will immediately change the drama act and start doing something different.  If that does not work, you have to exert your authority in a legitimate way to make the child think that you cannot be conquered by that injection of trauma.  You will be successful.”

“You don’t have to buy love for your children.  They will love you until death, if you give the values and nobility.”


                               本文選自 STUDENTSOFYOGIBHAJAN

                                   明月心滴翻譯 / 歡迎覺知轉載分享 

