Yogi Bhajan 關於毒品和成癮的教導分享在
Yoga and Drugs II. | Yogin.com
作者:Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa
早在石器時代,或者確切地說,在 20 世紀 90 年代初,我是一名患有失眠的大學畢業生。 在我生命中的那段時間裡,我穿著全黑的衣服,參與草根運動(grass roots activism),並定期參加CODA會議。 對於那些可能不知道的人來說,CODA 是一個12步的計劃,適用於你有關心的人有著吸毒或酗酒成癮。 它代表「 匿名共同依賴者」。 我的一個朋友告訴我休斯頓的3HO社群,這些「瑜伽士」在上午 4 點起床冥想。 由於我反正沒有睡覺,一天早上我一時興起開車去了市中心。 當我走進來時,一個留著鬍子的高個子男人用震聲隆隆的聲音說:「歡迎到來。」 早上的薩達納包括肩部站立、犁地姿勢和大量的火呼吸。 這是我第一次做昆達里尼瑜伽。 在接下來的幾週和幾個月裡,我一直回來參加薩達納和定期的昆達里尼瑜伽課程。 但我記得我真的被「迷住」的那一刻。
其中一位老師 Guruatma Kaur 就 Yogi Bhajan 關於成癮的教導進行了授課。 這是一個以非常個人的方式觸動我的話題,所以我決定去參加她為期一天的研討會。 Guruatma創作了這幅偉大的畫作,說明了靈魂及其與松果體和腦下垂體的關係。 她描述了腦下垂體是如何成為主腺體的 —— 它如何調節整個身體。 腦下垂體需要從某個地方接受命令 ; 透過冥想,松果體分泌並與腦下垂體形成黃金和絃。 接著反過來,讓腦下垂體以這樣一種方式運作,使整個身體與靈魂和諧相處。 然後,一個人可以開始自我控制的過程......從本質上講,獲得活出真實或本然為真的自我的能力。
然而,如果松果體不與腦下垂體交談,那麼腦下垂體會尋找其他東西來給它「命令」。 每一種成癮物質—— 從糖到酒精、毒品、性、電子遊戲 —— 都會刺激腦下垂體。 她解釋說,這就是Yogi Bhajan說成癮的起源:松果體和腦下垂體之間缺乏溝通。
這種特別的教導對我來說是如此強大,以至於我立刻完全迷上了昆達里尼瑜伽和瑜伽士 Bhajan 的教導。 Yogi Bhajan 教授了廣泛的工具和技術,以瞭解並幫助人們治癒自己的成癮傾向。 該計劃被稱為「SuperHealth 超級健康」。 我認為許多人經常與成癮或至少強迫性行為作鬥爭。一些成癮的社會後果也非常輕微。 如果人們不渴望早上喝杯咖啡,星巴克會在哪裡? 一些成癮會造成令人難以置信的嚴重社會後果,包括失去家人、自由甚至生命。但所有成癮傾向的共同點非常簡單:你的腦下垂體會與你的松果體說話嗎?
今年春天,在美國新墨西哥州的埃斯帕諾拉,有一個絕佳的機會,可以親身瞭解 Yogi Bhajan 的超級健康計劃。 由Yogi Bhajan 培訓的 Mukta Kaur Khalsa 指導SuperHealth —— 多年來一直是亞利桑那州的一家專科醫院。 2月,她將提供關於這個主題的專業培訓。 對於那些想學習和教他人超健康技術的人來說,這是一個千載難逢的機會。
重要的是要記住,Yogi Bhajan 從 60 年代的花童開始了他的使命,他們用毒品來拓展思維並找到神。 Yogi Bhajan 的資訊太簡單了。 「毒品是一種拖累。」 有一個更自然的方法。 他關於瑜伽、飲食、冥想和生活方式的最初教導,旨在幫助這些「尋求真理者」擺脫藥物的虛假刺激。 他希望他們重建松果體和腦下垂體之間的內在對話:靈魂和個人身份之間。 建造的所有東西都來自那個地基。
The Relationship of the Soul to the Pineal and Pituitary Glands
These Teachings of Yogi Bhajan about drugs and addiction were shared on
How Understanding Addiction and the Pituitary Gland Hooked Me on Kundalini Yoga by Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa
Back in the Stone Ages, or the early 1990’s to be exact, I was a recent college graduate suffering from insomnia. During that time in my life, I dressed all in black, was involved with grass roots activism and regularly attended CODA meetings. CODA, for those of you who might not know, is a 12-Step program for people who have loved ones suffering from drug or alcohol addiction. It stands for “Codependents Anonymous.”
A friend of mine told me about the 3HO community in Houston where these “yogis” got up at 4 a.m. to meditate. Since I was not sleeping anyway, I drove to the center one morning on a whim. A tall guy with a beard said, “Welcome,” in a booming voice when I walked in. The morning sadhana involved shoulder stand, plow pose and lots of breath of fire. It was my first time doing Kundalini Yoga.
In the weeks and months ahead, I kept coming back for sadhana and for regular Kundalini Yoga classes. But I remember the moment when I really got “hooked.”
One of the teachers, Guruatma Kaur, gave a class on Yogi Bhajan’s teachings about addiction. It was a subject that touched me in a very personal way, so I decided to go to her day-long workshop. Guruatma created this great drawing, illustrating the soul and its relationship to the pineal and the pituitary glands. She described how the pituitary gland was the master gland – how it regulated the glands of the entire body. But the pituitary needed to take its orders from somewhere. Through meditation, the pineal gland secretes and creates a golden chord with the pituitary. This, in turn, causes the pituitary to function in such a way that the entire body comes into harmony with the soul. Then a person can begin the process of self-control…in essence, gaining the ability to live to their True or authentic self.
However, if the pineal did not talk to the pituitary, then the pituitary would look for something else to give it “orders.” Every addictive substance – from sugar to alcohol to drugs to sex to video games – stimulates the pituitary. This, she explained, is where Yogi Bhajan said addiction originated from: the lack of communication between the pineal and the pituitary.
This particular teaching was so powerful for me that I become instantly and completely enamored with Kundalini Yoga and Yogi Bhajan’s teachings.
Yogi Bhajan taught a wide range of tools and techniques to understand and help people heal themselves of addictive tendencies. The program is called “SuperHealth.” I think many people struggle with addictive or at least compulsive behavior on a regular basis. Some addictions have very light social consequences. Where would Starbucks be if people did not crave their morning cup of coffee? Some addictions have incredibly severe social consequences, including losing one’s family, freedom and even one’s life. But the common thread among all addictive tendencies is very simple: does your pituitary talk to your pineal?
This spring, there is a wonderful opportunity in Espanola, New Mexico, USA to learn about Yogi Bhajan’s SuperHealth program first hand. Mukta Kaur Khalsa, who was trained by Yogi Bhajan, directed SuperHealth—distinguished as a specialized hospital in Arizona for many years. In February, she will offer a Specialty Training on this topic. For those who would like to learn and teach others about the SuperHealth techniques, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
It is important to remember that Yogi Bhajan began his mission with the flower children of the 60’s, who were using drugs to expand their minds and find God. Yogi Bhajan’s message was so simple. “Drugs are a drag.” There is a more natural way to go. His first teachings on yoga, diet, meditation, and lifestyle were designed to help these “seekers of truth” break away from the false stimulation of drugs. He wanted them to re-establish the inner dialogue between the pineal and the pituitary: between the soul and the personal identity. Everything that was built came from that foundation.
本文選自 StudentsofYogiBhajan
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