2024年4月22日 星期一

精微能量體與治癒世代 (Subtle Body and Healing Generations)


由加利福尼亞州洛杉磯的Hargopal Kaur Khalsa於2016年秋季撰寫

有時,在與人見面時,外表的粗糙或粗魯可能會令人不快。 與此同時,Siri Singh Sahib 總是說:「 如果你無法在所有地方看見神,那你就根本看不到神。」 在更精微的層面上與某個人交往,往往會讓人覺察到他們生活中的痛苦,他們所擁有的恐懼以及他們所展示的面具。 然後,你就真有可能與美麗聯繫起來,與神在其中表現的形象聯繫起來。 

「 同樣的,在我們的生活中,我們有著不同的故事,我們有不同的情況可以說嘴,我們有不同的詆毀人和找藉口的理由,以及所有的恐懼和事實。 但它需要被理解的是,你的療癒過程是將精微的平衡帶入絕對平衡,讓精微能量體和靈性體結合,這是毫無疑問的。」 ~Siri Singh Sahib(1985年10月17日)

療癒關係就是這樣發生的。 一個扮演受害者角色的人出現了。也許她父親是個惡霸,她的母親正在與她爭奪父親的感情。療癒的練習者如何知道動態是怎樣的呢,是什麼導致了疾病(無法 — 放鬆)? 

「 頭腦可以是中性的,也可以是積極的,或是消極的。正是中性的頭腦來判斷我內心的正義。那是阿卡西的記錄;那是因果。在這個非常精微的能量身體中,中性的心智記錄了此生的每一個行動、每一個反應、每一個好處、每一個損失、每一個極性、每一個真空。」 ~Siri Singh Sahib(1981年3月5日)


精微能量體記錄了生命,透過療癒實踐者自身的精微、敏感和 shunya(歸零倒空)狀態,可以「閱讀」到導致疾病的動態,像是創造出來的令人不安的關係,或對自我和他人抱有敵意。 在這一點上,「客戶」不再是這個個人,而是她的整個家庭、甚至她的血統,其中可能包括文化、祖先出生的國家,以及那些以某種方式深刻影響家庭的人。 

「 精微能量體可以穿透到宇宙中的宇宙中,宇宙和光芒能量體可以使精微體變得明亮、豐富和美麗。」——Siri Singh Sahib(1999年1月18日)



「 正是你的精微能量體有能力觸及一切和任何事物,並能在零點零零三萬億秒內改變分子結構。」— Siri Singh Sahib(1996年7月23日)

透過靈修練習 sadhana,我們奠定了基礎,培養了冥想的心智,居住在歸零倒空中,在幾乎不可能有慈悲心的地方擁有慈悲心。

「 標準不是:值得和不值得。 標準是擁有精微能量體的直覺力量和指導,以找到最精微的遠方事物來尋求幫助、服務、提升。 這就是所謂的愛!」— Siri Singh Sahib(1993年2月23日)


Hargopal Kaur Khalsa從物理學到形而上學,在無窮小的領域研究空間到我們星球所在的空間,她在航空工業工作。 Hargopal發現了昆達里尼瑜伽和Siri Singh Sahib的教誨。 已經很感激找到了她的靈性老師,Sat Nam Rasayan的治癒方式(由Sant SS Guru Dev Singh教授)向她介紹了超越她最瘋狂夢想的意識和療癒的精微之處。 Hargopal Kaur根據Siri Singh Sahib關於死亡和瀕死的教導出版了《與無限融合》。 她有一個私人療癒實踐,並提供關於世代間療癒的工作坊。

Written by Hargopal Kaur Khalsa, Los Angeles CA in the Fall of 2016

Sometimes, in meeting a person, the exterior gruffness or roughness can be off-putting. At the same time, the Siri Singh Sahib always said, “If you can’t see God in all, you can’t see God at all.” Relating to that person at a more subtle level often brings to awareness the pain they’ve had in their life, the fear they have, the masks they display. Then it’s possible to relate to the beauty, the image of how God is showing up in them.

[In the] same way in our life we have different stories, we have different situations to say, we have different reasons for slander and excuses and all the fears and fact. But what it leaves to understand, [is that] the process in your healing is to bring subtle balance into absolute balance, to bring the union of Subtle Body and spiritual body, and leave no place for doubt.”  ~The Siri Singh Sahib (10/17/1985)

That’s how it happens in a healing relationship. A person shows up who has the role of, say, being a victim. Perhaps her father is a bully. Her mother is competing with her for the father’s affection. How does the healing practitioner know what the dynamics are, what’s causing the dis-ease?

“The mind is neutral as well as positive, as well as negative. And it’s the neutral mind which judges the righteousness within me. That is the Akashic record; that is Karma. In this very Subtle Body, the neutral mind records every action, every reaction, every benefit, every loss, every polarity, every vacuum of this life.”                 ~The Siri Singh Sahib (March 5, 1981)

The Book of Life

In the Subtle Body that has recorded the life, through the healing practitioner’s own subtlety, sensitivity, and state of shunya (emptiness), it is possible to “read” the dynamics that are causing illness, creating troubling relationships, holding animosity towards the self and others. At that point, the “client” is no longer this one person, but her entire family and even her lineage, which can include the culture, the countries from which ancestors were born, and those who have deeply impacted the family in some way.

“The Subtle Body can penetrate in the universe of the universe of the universe and the universe and radiant body can make it bright, bountiful and beautiful.”—The Siri Singh Sahib (January 18, 1999)

The subtle essence in the family holds fear, pain, unmet needs, whatever the person and family have been challenged by. Relating to the frequencies of the person and allowing what is, without judgment or commentary, can create an opportunity for the person to let go of the knots in their consciousness, their limits, for the person to heal themselves, for God to elevate them.

It is the job of the healing practitioner (remembering that God is the healer) to develop her sensitivity, intuition, and subtlety to the point where it is possible to merge with the consciousness of the client.

“It is the Subtle Body of yours that has power to reach everything and anything and can change the molecular structure in point zero, zero, zero three trillion seconds.”—The Siri Singh Sahib (July 23, 1996)

Through sadhana we lay our foundation, developing a meditative mind, taking residence in shunya, having compassion where it virtually isn’t possible to be compassionate.

“Standard is not: deserving and not deserving. Standard is to have the power and guidance of the intuition of the Subtle Body to find the most subtle remote thing to go for help, serve, elevate. And what that is, is called love!”—The Siri Singh Sahib (February 23, 1993)

Hargopal Kaur Khalsa has journeyed from physics to metaphysics, studying space in the infinitesimal realm to the space in which our planet resides, with a career in the aerospace industry. Hargopal discovered Kundalini Yoga and the teachings of the Siri Singh Sahib. Already grateful to have found her spiritual teacher, the healing modality of Sat Nam Rasayan (as taught by Sant SS Guru Dev Singh) introduced her to subtleties of consciousness and healing beyond her wildest dreams. Hargopal Kaur published Merging With the Infinite, based on the teachings of the Siri Singh Sahib on death and dying. She has a private healing practice and offers healing workshops on inter-generational healing.

本文選自 StudentsofYogiBhajan

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