2013年2月26日 星期二


這是發生在我剛結束癮症(Addictive Behavior) 療癒課程的旅程後, 發生在美國航空公司A31上從LA前往Honolulu的故事~


來自武漢的一對夫婦, 六十幾歲了單獨旅行, 不會英文. 這班從洛杉磯前往Honolulu的飛機上, 航空公司也沒把兩人的位子劃在一起. 妻子突然在看書時大腿內側抽筋, 發疼地直冒冷汗, 身體完全無法動彈, 胸口呼吸不過來, 幾乎要倒在位子上了. 旁邊的人不認識又語言不通, 她也說不上話來, 臉色慘白, 拼命揉腳希望可以動起來調整...… 當旁邊的外國人看到她頻頻地揉腳, 就發現她臉色不對勁緊急地通知機上人員, 一位空服人員立刻衝向飛機前方,拿起緊急的廣播系統, 嚴肅地廣播著我們需要中文協助. 其實我不是很聽懂她說什麼, 大家知道我的英文不好, 批哩趴拉沒來由一陣, 把全飛機的人都搞得很緊張, 但當下我完全知道她需要中文協助.

於是我從16排到後方24排處, 一位講得很彆腳的外國人正努力溝通"我講一點點...", 我跟她說, 我會講中文. 於是接手她的位子. 飛機上的醫生全部有三位全部蜂擁而上, 有兩位是印度人. 醫生和機組人員一群人正在七嘴八舌, 努力瞭解這位女士的情況. 讓她先躺下, 聽心跳, 量血壓, 可第一次量的時候脈搏偏弱, 量不出來, 立刻讓醫生把這升為極度緊急狀況, 機組人員給她氧氣罩, 這兩位夫婦看來也是老實人怕麻煩人家, 也不知道醫生要對她作些什麼處置, 就一直說不需要, 我就給他們說" 沒問題的,您不要擔心, 這樣恢復比較快, 你下飛機才能繼續玩啊" 於是這位女士就很安心地戴上氧氣罩, 接著躺了一會兒已經好多了. 再量一次血壓, 是80和60, 女士說他從年輕開始就這樣, 平常就這樣的, 女醫生說這不正常, 太低了! 下飛機要立刻送醫院. (本人以前血壓也差不多這樣的, 不過醫生當然不鳥我, 我心中還暗想印度人吃咖哩外國人吃肉牛奶脂肪高的食物, 可能血壓高點吧)後來他要一邊回答問題, 有沒有比較好, 這裡痛嗎?那裡痛嗎? 就坐了起來, 拔下氧氣罩說話, 我看她臉色恢復ㄧ半了, 應該是沒有什麼問題. 接著讓他喝水, 可能是脫水在機艙的壓力反應, 她先生一直在旁邊說沒事沒事, 告訴他們謝謝他們. 我就安撫這對夫婦說" 不要緊, 美國人個性是這樣只是想要幫忙, 他們很盡責任, 喝點水幫助循環啊" 我帶著一點玩笑對著這位女士說" 你平常憋尿噢! 一定怕上廁所不喝水, 我們年紀大了就要保養多喝水是吧!" 他們也就都笑笑的回我, 她的先生說”對啊! 她常出差, 不喝水. 好的, 謝謝謝謝你啊“. 於是醫生們和機組人員跑到機艙後討論要如何幫助她, 一下又牽扯出英國執照的醫生是不是可以在哪裡行醫的問題, 我則利用這個空擋跟他聊聊天緩和心情瞭解一下他們去夏威夷的行程, 然後一邊像導遊一樣, 讓她慢慢站起來, 看她沒有問題, 就一邊帶她作伸展手臂配合呼吸的動作, 我看她身子骨也軟, 氣息暢通沒有問題, 臉色漸漸恢復血色, 再帶著她作肩膀的上下配合呼吸的動作, 看起來頸椎附近的地方也算暢通. 然後示範呼吸鼓勵她說 "中國人練氣就是這樣, 鎮定一下, 多呼吸幾口啊! 你就回神了, 身體也好活動了". 於是這位女士挺開朗地跟著我一起作. 這時機組人員跑來慎重地再問一次感覺身體如何, 並說和醫生商量結果要做一些對策. 你現在真的覺得好了嗎?這位女士延著跟我作完兩個簡單的瑜珈活動, 和開心安心聊天的氣氛, 微笑著並搖著手說沒問題沒問題! 機組姐又說, 醫生建議你要走路幫助血液循環. 這中國人被要求這要求那就是怕把所有人都麻煩到了, 我看他們緊張, 我就說" 沒事兒, 我們走走路醫生和工作人員也放心, 幫助血液循環一下" 我就陪著這位女士在機艙散步, 先生則被要求留在座位上以讓散步有更大的空間. 每散步到一個轉角停下來休息一會, 我就跟她聊聊天, 觀察她說話的精氣神和臉色, 跟她說要多喝水啊, 氣氛越來越輕鬆, 狀況越來越好. 散步兩回合, 醫生幫他檢查腳, 這邊捏捏那邊捏捏, 這位女士都笑着搖頭說都沒有疼的地方, 於是醫生就放心了, 說可能只是短暫的抽筋現象, 但為保安全還是要多喝水. 她說不想喝了, 我說" 就再喝一杯, 待會不容易再抽筋, 但是記得要去上廁所啊" , 他就笑笑地配合喝完, 回到座位上和先生一起, 我也請原來隔壁的外國先生換位子, 並表達謝意. 當飛機落地時, 商務艙的通通不能動, 就讓我們三個先行下飛機, 之後陪他們和地面上緊急通報小組訪談, 然後陪她們找到他們的導遊,

從一開始我前往24排不斷感覺身體發麻(通常是業力場在動有事發生的同感現象), 她的臉色慘白說不大出話來, 呼吸困難, 到我一路陪著她, 氣色慢慢恢復, 氣息越來越強健, 說話回應也變得越來越正常而積極, 這越講話人也就越亮起來了, 到了地面上兩臉頰還挺像擦了胭脂, 能看到白光在臉上流動. 我知道昆達里尼能量療癒作用發揮了, 在傳達了. 在現有的環境流動下, 作出正確的判斷和給出此刻需要的東西, 一起加入環境能量合作, 這就是昆達里尼療癒師要做的事情. 我們不是醫生, 因緣際會, 我門能做的事也很多, 這件事也就這樣圓滿落幕了.

這場驚魂記, 雙方語言不通, 文化差異, 病著的ㄧ方被搞得更緊張, 這樣機艙的Stress就更大了, 如果像是醫生們如此緊張嚴肅地批頭繼續問話下去, 恐怕是抽筋和驚嚇又更嚴重了. 所以我負責緩和氣氛, 傳達訊息, 並加入自己直覺要說的話. 讓一切能量流動起來, 成為一個合作的狀態, 在一個順遂的環境下讓這位女士接受正確的治療訊息, 喝水, 走動...並趁空擋帶領一點點瑜珈活動, 配和呼吸, 讓Prana來療癒, 我們只是提醒當事人, 讓她的Prana從一個stuck或是shock的狀態重新恢復正常的能量流, Prana自己會去工作. 這位女士其實應該不到二三十分鐘, 不但徵狀緩解了, 也面帶笑容. 這就是昆達里尼瑜珈療癒師在生活中實踐的能量,  一個瑜珈士絕對地保持中性, 對環境保持慈悲, 給他們溫暖. 在哪兒你有哪兒的角色去幫忙. 我看到昆達之光一點一滴的流動中~

上回上完療癒師工作坊後我一下飛機抵達松山, 打開手機就看到奶奶陷入昏迷準備要離開人世間的消息, 我連行李都沒拖回住處就直奔醫院, 醫生宣佈家人開始告別, 那關鍵的兩個小時, 我握着奶奶的手, 中性地的臨在, 讓菩薩之道的愛流動, 存在與療癒就自動發生了, 我只是提供一個空間能量, 讓光在此時此刻降臨, 讓奶奶做出選擇, 奶奶的靈魂選擇回來再服務家人一段時間, 後來她不但從失去的意識中醒來了, 還帶著笑聲走出醫院. 接著她又再過了最後一年, 所有的家人知道並且在心中承認, 她很快就會離去, 於是常常三步五時就去看她, 與她說話, 她與所有家人圓滿了愛之後才離開了. 這次我連飛機都沒下, 全飛機只有我能翻譯, 我完全不能考慮什麼英文好不好的問題了, 只能讓直覺帶領我, 讓Guru的光穿透我的心投射出去.

在此分享我的愛, 也願各位昆達理尼瑜伽教師在生活中真正實踐昆達里尼瑜珈的精義~
在飛機上處理完一個段落後我回到座位, 我放著Sodarshan Chakra Kriya 的 Wahe Guru Wahe Guru…有這樣的流動感覺, 榮耀Guru的教導, 永遠頭低低, 繼續學習.

When I was walking from row 16 to row 24, I felt like pins and needles in my body (For me this usually means some karmic event is happening.) In the beginning the wife looked very pale and could hardly speak and breathe. With my company, she recovered and regained energy and prana, which made her look become lighter. And also she became more positive and had more response in conversation. I could see white light flowing through her face, bringing healthy color to the skin. Thus I learned a lesson from all above that the healing energy of Kundalini had played a role in this incident. Following the flow of harmony, I made correct decision and offered what was needed in that situation, and the healing energy joined and expressed itself. This is the faculty and facility of a Kundalini yoga therapist. And this is the happy ending of the story.                     
On the plane there was a Chinese couple in 60s. They traveled by themselves and do not speak English. They didn’t even sit near each other. The wife suddenly got cramp on her inner thigh while reading. She was in so much pain that she couldn’t move her body or breathe normally. She sweated coldly and might fell off in any time. Because of the pain and the language barrier, she was not able to turn to the one next to her. She just kept rubbing her legs until the passenger next to her noticed her pale look and made an emergency call. A flight attendant then immediately rushed to the head to announce for a volunteer who speaks both English and Chinese. I could not understand a lot of what she was speaking, but I did catch what she wanted and notice that the announcement had created a tense atmosphere.

I moved and walked from row 16 to row 24. A woman who knows a bit Chinese was helping and having a hard time there. I explained myself and took over her place. The attendants and three doctors (they are all of the doctors on the plane, two of them are Indian) were all talking at the same time, trying to figure out the situation. They let her lie down to examine by auscultation and take blood pressure. At first her pulse was too weak to take blood pressure, which made the doctors raise the alert level, and the attendant soon provided her with oxygen mask. The couple had no idea about what the doctors were going to do. And they seemed to be very kind people, didn’t want to bother anyone. So they kept saying they’re fine. I comforted them and said: “Don’t worry. It’s ok. Let them do their work, so you will recover faster and have fun after landing.” The wife then became relaxed. And after she lied with the mask for a while, the doctor took her blood pressure successfully. The result was 80/60mmHg, which surprised the doctors. The wife said it’s been normal for her since she was young. However the doctors still insisted that she needs to go the hospital right after landing. (Actually I had been in the same condition as the old lady, so I was not surprised with the doctors’ reaction. Maybe in a culture which has much more curry-based diet or high-fat diet, the standard of blood pressure is different.)

When the crew started to ask her several question, like “Are you feeling better?”, “Does it hurt here or there?”, she put down the mask to answer. And I found that she was looking much better. The crew offered her water, thinking maybe it was due to dehydration in the plane. Meanwhile, the husband kept saying she’s fine and thank you all. I told them that they were just trying to help and do their job. Also it’s good to have some water to help the water cycle of the body. Then I joked with the wife, saying that” You suppress the urine a lot, right? I guess you are used to drink less so you don’t have to go to toilet so often. But we should treat our bodies more nicely in our old age, shouldn’t we?” The husband replied: ”You’re right. She had traveled on official business a lot. She doesn’t drink a lot. Thank you very very much!” At the same time, the attendants and the doctors were discussing the arrangement of medical care after landing, even including questions like, ”Can the doctor licensed by U.K practice medicine in U.S.?” Thus I kept chatting with the wife to make her more relaxed. I asked her where they planned to go in Hawaii, and like a tutor guided her to the standing position, stretching arms with conscious breathing. I found that her flexibility was fine, and she breathed well. She was having a refreshing look. Next I guided her through shoulder shrugs, and demonstrated: ”This is how Chinese people practice Chi. Calm down and breathe deeper. You will become centered in your awareness, and your body will be able to work accordingly.” The flight attendant came back and asked her feeling, and said that the doctors might arrange something after landing. The wife had just recovered well with the exercises, saying “I’m fine. No problem!” with smile and ease.

The flight attendant then replied that the doctors suggested her to walk around to help the blood circulation. And again due to their Chinese character, the more the suggestion they asked, the more nervous they might be. They preferred not to bother anyone anymore. So I said to them: “It’s ok. Let’s walk a while. It can help your body and ease their minds.” I walked around with the wife in the cabin, and the husband was asked to be seated so we could have more space. We stopped and rested at every corner. I talked with her and observed her look and the way she spoke. She became even more at ease and more relaxed. After the second round, the doctor came to examine her legs, and she just smiled and showed them her legs were not hurting anymore. Finally the doctors relieved their tension, and asked her to drink one more cup of water. The wife declined at first. But again she kindly took my advice. I said to her: ”It will help to prevent the cram, but don’t suppress the urine this time.” When the couple went back to their seat, I helped them to change seats with another passenger. And when we landed, the attendant asked all passengers to stay seated, so that the couple and I could get off first. I then led the couple to meet the emergency ground crew and then all the way to their local guide.

In the beginning of this incident, the language barrier and culture differences had put more pressure on the patient, which may lead to a stressful situation for them and the whole plane. If the doctors kept asking questions with anxiety, the cram and shock the old lady felt could have become worse. So I played my role to ease the tension, connecting each other, and became part of the conversation under the guide of intuition. While the tension of the situation started to fade away, the wife accepted to drink water, walk around, and a few exercises with breathing as well. I was just a reminder. Let her prana heal herself. Prana will work itself to recover from blockage and shock if it is allowed to. In fact, it took less than half an hour for the wife to recover from the symptoms and bring smile on her face. This is the real example of how Kundalini Yoga Therapist should practice the energy in their day-to-day life. It has nothing to do with the title of Level1, 2, 3. A yogi will not be affected by the duality. A yogi will show their compassion to any circumstance, providing their warmth to whoever needed. This is how I see the light of Kundalini yoga flowing.

I recalled last time when I came back to Taiwan from a healing workshop. I turned my cell phone on right after landing, and saw a photo of my grandmother in a coma and realizing she might be gone in any moment. So I rushed to the hospital without luggage. The doctor let us be with her till the last moment. Two hours passing, all I did was just being there neutrally, presenting my existence, and let Bodhisattva’s love flow. As a vehicle, the light came through me to that space and time, and the healing energy was there. Her soul chose to come back again to serve as our family for a while. She regained conscious within a month, and even left hospital with smile. Interestingly, this time I didn’t even get off the plane. On that plane I was the only one who speaks Chinese. I didn’t worry about my poor English. I just let my intuition guided me, allowing the light of Guru to come through my heart and project.

This was a story happened to me right after my completion of the healing course for Addictive Behavior, during the A31 flight from LA to Honolulu.
On the plane, I played the mantra “Wahe Guru Wahe Guru” (for Sodarshan Kriya) after the couple went back to their seats. I could feel the flow, the spirit of a humble student forever honoring Guru’s teaching. 
I send you all my love, and may every Kundalini yoga therapist practices the true essence of Kundalini Yoga in life.

