2015年3月17日 星期二

Yogi Bhajan, Betrayal ain't no Kale 「冤冤相報何時了」


作者 Writer:Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

授權翻譯 Translators:明月蘇菲. 金剛貓

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Sat Nam 親愛的家人, 

1979年在西屋區, Yogi Bhajan和我看完午后的電影出來他對我說 “ 這一生中你應該會遇到背叛你的人侮辱你的人或侵犯你的人你不應該作出任何反應有所報復取而代之的是你更應該放輕鬆 .”

他到底是什麼意思?在這種情況下我怎麼可能放輕鬆?我到底是哪點沒聽懂?我當時剛好遇到有一個雇員盜用公款我想Yogi Bhajan意有所指這件事我的習慣通常不去問老師問題所以就讓我來好好想一想我就開始研究老師是怎麼處理背叛這件事的他常常就是碰到這一類的事情. 最親近他的人常常就是說謊欺騙或是偷竊他的什麼東西任何像這類的事他一點都不覺得稀奇這是身為靈性導師的自然本質但是對我來說我實在是不習慣

我不是說大家都是這樣當然不是囉但是實在是有很多的事件發生讓我可以把它們成為案例來研究任何一個人每一個Yogiji的學生包括我在內碰到這樣的事都會作出反擊多多少少一次或多次都會, 但總是讓老師失望更有甚者學生經常都不知道自己在做什麼事實上這種認知來自於時間的歷練和高度覺知的提昇這確實是個人內在成長的過程這就是我學到的第一堂課.  

對於一個真實的靈性導師來說看起來真是不幸的角色我們摯愛的老師Yogi Bhajan常說  把我賣了我還幫你數鈔票.” 當然這些人也看不見當背叛侮辱和侵犯發生的時候他也是心驚膽戰的但他總是忍辱負重著他從來不表現出來始終保持絕大的毅力這就是我學到的第二堂課. 然而最大的課題來了老師不但沒有表現出恐懼他還繼續不斷地奉獻給予沒有任何報復和自責的行為和語言否則這條路上就會累積更多的恐懼, 怎麼走下去? 這就是我當天學到最大的課程他更時常說“ 我跟他們到底有什麼不一樣呢?不是因為我可以原諒每個人而是我根本不記得有這些事了” 俗話總是這樣說 “ 我原諒他但是我絕對不會忘記他對我做了什麼” 但是, Yogi Bhajan 早就超越了俗世的界限.      

Guru更進一步地這麼 “ 那些毀謗中傷和背叛你的人是在替你消業. “ 所以對我來說更重要的體會學習是不要老嘀咕和在意背不背叛這件事你不管做什麼它就是會發生但如果它發生了你必須去瞭解背叛者是在償還你部分的業力去感恩它這是直接來自於Guru的高度靈性課程.

我學到了, 我不應該對傷害我的人以牙還牙, 就讓我獨自面對傷害的感覺吧我應該去超越它持續地對那些背叛侮辱和侵犯你的人服務他們愛他們給予他們一切將會成就你的修行這是一個非常嚴厲艱難的課程說得容易做得難但是不斷地練習就能讓你越來越容易獲益良多所以這些練習就是不要讓任何人擋住你修行的路從我開始Yogi Bhajan說的這些話開始抓住任何怨妒對靈性追求者都不是好事跟隨Yogiji的以身示範這是一輩子都要練習的事感激Guru的恩典傳承給我們無限的靈性成長. (下回繼續)     

MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa


Yogi Bhajan, Betrayal ain't no Kale
Sat Nam Dear Family,
“You should look forward to betrayal, insults, and abuse from people around you. You should just not react. You should relax instead,” the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan, said to me as we were walking out of a movie in Westwood on a late afternoon in 1979.
What was he talking about? How can I relax in such a circumstance? What didn’t I understand? One of my employees had just embezzled from me and I’m sure he was somehow relating to that incident. It wasn’t my habit to ask him what we meant; it was for me to figure out. So, I began to study how he dealt with betrayal. It was all around him. Those closest to often lied, cheated, stole, you name it.This is not unusual; it comes with the turf of being a great spiritual teacher. I just wasn’t used to it.
I don’t mean to say that all were like this, definitely not. But, there were enough incidences to allow me some case studies. And, here’s the kicker, everyone, and I mean each and every one of his students, including me, let him down at one time or another. And, here’s the further kicker, many times the student didn’t even know he/she was doing this. As a matter of fact, this awareness comes with time and an elevated perspective. Actually it’s part of the growth process. This was the first lesson I learned.
This is one of the unfortunate roles of a true spiritual teacher. Our beloved teacher used to say, “I’ve got scabs like a peanut.” Invisible as they might have been, he was totally scarred by betrayals, insults, and abuses he endured; but, he never showed it. This was the next lesson I learned; keep up with perpetual endurance. But, the big lesson was still to come.
Not only did he not show his scars, he kept giving without vengeance or remorse knowing that more scars were on the way. This was the great lesson of this day. He used to further say, “What separates me from others is not that I forgive everyone, but that I forget as well.” The common saying is ‘I forgive him, but I’ll never forget what he did to me.’ He transcended this idiom.
Furthermore, the Guru says, “Those who slander you and betray you, pay off your karma.” So, the other great lesson is to not look for betrayal, it will happen without any action on our part, but when it happens realize that the betrayer is paying off some of your karma; be grateful. This is a high spiritual lesson delivered directly from the Guru.
I learned that I shouldn’t “get even” with people who hurt me, let alone feel hurt! I should “get ahead.” This is accomplished through continuing to serve, give, and love those who betray, insult, and abuse. This is a tough lesson. It’s easier to understand than do and it’s not easy to understand. With practice it does get easier and easier giving great benefits. So, the practice of not letting anyone “rain on my parade” began for me through his above statement. Holding grudges is not good for a spiritual aspirant. Following our teacher’s example is a lifelong practice which, by Guru’s grace, becomes part of who we are bequeathing infinite spiritual progress. Stay Tuned
In the Humility of Service and Gratitude,
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

Chief of Protocol

