2014年12月14日 星期日

「Yogi Bhajan, 反思, 提升, 觀念 A Retrospective, Elevative, Perspective」


作者 Writer:Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

翻譯 Translators:明月蘇菲. 金剛貓歡迎

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Sat Nam 親愛的家人
在週末期間, 我寫了一篇有關於與Yogi Bhajan對話的故事.  我把在錫克廟裡從 Guru Ram Das獲得的日常Hukam訊息, 轉換成擴展性的想法, 我將在週四寄送出去. 下面是內容的開場白:
與這些朝拜的人和聖者會面, 我的心跟著激動. 我參加了唱誦與聚會, 我對於神聖的先知存在著犧牲奉獻者, 犧牲奉獻, 犧牲奉獻, 臣服. 我在神之內感動著. || 1 || Pause 翻開經文||
! 神啊, Har Har, 請用祢的慈悲祝福我, 神啊, 我將跪在您的聖足之下. 祝福來自於這神聖, 來自於那些知道神的人. 與這神聖會面, 即便是罪犯也能被拯救. || 1 || 4 || 1 || 摘自Siri Guru Granth Sahib 1294頁.

Guru的話語對我影響巨大, 神給我精緻的禮物Siri Singh Sahib靈性的導師照亮了我. 由於Guru的恩典, 我已經被祝福在我的老師跟前學習. 我是如此地感激, 我唯一想做的事是讓所有人知道他們的生活能夠轉變成祝福. 他們的生活可以藉由一個靈性導師被提升到更好, 最好的方向. 我們敬愛的老師現在還活著, 他的教導可以不斷地被經驗. 活在他的教導裡, 拼命努力的去瞭解, 加深了一個人的高度, 寬度, 口徑, 擴展性, 中性, 覺知力和信念. 與君一席話, 改變我們整個人生. 首先是奉獻, 然後是擴展覺知. 你也可以說, 我們不相信奇蹟, 但是我們期待奇蹟的發生.

我們生命的經驗就是那些有限的因素, 有關想法, 撈嶗叨叨, 夢想, 希望, 信念這些哲學. 我們日常生活最直接的知識都是從經驗而來. 有限的經驗限制了想法. 所以要擴展我們的生活經驗就必須擴展我們的想法.

生活經驗的面面觀, 這世界提供了財富, 榮耀, 名望, 權力, 甜蜜的語言, 無論你怎麼說它. 隨便看一下, 這些必須經由信念來擴展你的覺知, 或更大的信念來達成.  

Yogi Bhajan為我們帶來了昆達里尼瑜珈. 它就是所有中的佼佼者, 它是覺知的瑜伽. 這派瑜珈提升了你在地球上覺知的高度. 當與錫克教連結, 覺知更加的提升. 信念將被經驗, 生命精微之處將被知曉, 生命將越來越充滿安全. 在無限中的信念中, 提供了高度去經驗另一個觀點. 你的信念有多堅定, 你的經驗和觀點就有多深. 大多數人還沒開始就被打敗了, 只有你在這地球上擴展高瞻遠矚洞燭先機才會增加生命的深度. 惟有這樣才能變得更好. 再見續集.

Yogi Bhajan, A Retrospective, Elevative, Perspective

Sat Nam Dear Family,

Over the weekend, I had just written another story about another conversation I had with the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan. Thinking to expand on it and send it out on Thursday, I then remembered the daily Hukam, message, that came from Guru Ram Das in our Sadhana Gurdwara at the Ashram last week. Below are the opening lines:

Meeting with the Holy people, my mind blossoms forth. I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice to those Holy beings; joining the Sangat, the Congregation, I am carried across to the other side. || 1 || Pause || O Lord, Har, Har, please bless me with Your Mercy, God, that I may fall at the feet of the Holy. Blessed, blessed are the Holy, who know the Lord God. Meeting with the Holy, even sinners are saved. || 1 || 4 || 1 || ...from Hukam on Page 1294 of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib

The words of the Guru had such a powerful impact on me, highlighting so exquisitely the gift I had been given: the gift of having a spiritual teacher, Siri Singh Sahib. By Guru’s Grace I have been blessed to learn at the feet our teacher. The feeling of gratitude welled up so profoundly that all I wanted to do, again, was to let everyone know how they too could experience this life changing blessing. How their life could be elevated in the direction of good, better, best by recognizing the great gift of having a spiritual teacher. Our beloved teacher is alive today. He can be experienced through his teachings. Living these teachings and striving to understand them in more and more depth gives one the altitude, breadth, caliber, expansion, neutrality, consciousness and faith. Taking one lecture and knowing its essence can change your life forever. First comes the devotion and then comes the expanded consciousness. You too can say “we don’t believe in miracles, we depend on them!”

Our experience of life is our only determining (or limiting) factor. All else is philosophy, ideas, gossip, dreams, hopes, beliefs. Our experience is our only direct knowledge. Our limited experience limits our perspective. So, in order to expand our perspective it follows that we must expand our experience of life.

Most look for this expanded life experience in the myriad of way this world offers; wealth, glory, fame, power, liquor, you name it. A few look for this expanded awareness through faith, faith in something greater.

The Siri Singh Sahib Ji brought us Kundalini yoga. It is our ace in the whole. It’s the yoga of awareness. This yoga elevates the consciousness to see from above the earth. When combined with Sikh Dharma, awareness becomes an elevated perspective. Faith is experienced. The subtlety of life is known. Life becomes more and more secure.

Faith in the Infinite provides the altitude to experience life from another perspective. Your perspective is a byproduct of how high your faith will allow you to go up. Most are stuck on at ground level, but just a view from anywhere above this earth provides another deeper experience of life. And, here’s the best news, it only gets better from there. Stay tuned

In the Humility of Service and Gratitude,
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

Chief of Protocol

