2014年4月29日 星期二

「Let it be 讓一切如是」


作者 Writer:Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

翻譯 Translator:Akashbir Kaur 美維

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Sat nam 親愛的家庭,

「讓一切如是」,Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan對我說。那是一個既冷且雨的秋日,在1993年新墨西哥境內。那天的天氣與尋常的節氣相比,並不尋常。照理說這現象應該能預先告知我些什麼。然而這種敏銳感受力尚未進入我的人生。對我而言,每一天都只不過是另一天罷了。不過,在那個受到祝福的日子卻不是如此,因為我終於:「懂了」!


大師在許多情況下都告訴我「讓一切如是」。剛開始,這句話根本沒有烙在我心中。很多時候,我或許根本不記得他對我說過這句話,但我知道他說過很多次。 然後,在對我說了無數次「讓一切如是」之後,我開始思考他這句話到底是什麼意思。難到他沒有意識到問題必須要被解決嗎? 我怎麼能夠單純的只是「讓一切如是」呢?在我的心底深處我知道他是對的,然而我只是還不瞭解這個道理。

有一天,我對Siri Singh Sahib(也就是我的老師)Yogi Bhajan發難。過去有一個跟我們很親近的人,他對我們兩人,不但如賊一般行了竊取之實,更嚴重背叛了我們。而如今,幾年過後,此人的人生似乎十分順利,不但在財務上以及社會的層面上都是。所以在那一天,我告訴老師我內心的挫折感,神竟然獎勵錯誤的行徑。這件是怎麼可能發生,特別是對方仍然繼續他強辯玩弄是非的手段?一如往常,「讓一切如是」是老師的回答。



事實上,這其實都把我們帶回我們最基礎的教導:神是全知全能者,而人唯一需要交代的對象也只有祂,造物主。對終極的造物主保持信心,停止浪費時間在思考無意義的事情上。這是為什麼我愛披頭四的歌「Let it be」。它變成一個告訴我信心如何勝過假義務卻又不危害真正的責任的提醒。保持調準頻率。


Sat Nam Family,

“Let it be,” the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan, said to me. It was a cold and rainy autumn day in 1993 at the ranch in New Mexico. This weather was unusual for this time of the year. That should have foretold something to me. But, that kind of sensitivity hadn’t yet entered my life. To me, one day was just like another. Not so on this auspicious day, I finally “got it”!

It always took me way too long to “get something.” In retrospect, I always felt like I was stupid for not “getting it” sooner. After all, after you “get something,” it always seems so simple and you should have “gotten it” sooner. But, I did realize that it’s the same with everyone who finally “gets it,” so I didn’t let it affect me.

The Master had said these words, “Let it be” to me on many occasions. At first, it didn’t even register with me. I probably didn’t usually even remember him saying it, but I know he did – many times. Then, for a considerable amount of time, I remember thinking to myself, ‘what does he mean by “let it be”.  Doesn’t he realize that the situation must be dealt with? How can I just “let it be”?  I knew in my heart of hearts that he was right, but I just didn’t understand it.

On this day I brought something up with the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan.  In the past, a person close to us had stolen from us both. It had not just been a theft, but a betrayal as well, a grand betrayal. Now, several years later, it appeared that this person’s life was going extremely well both financially and socially. So on this day I mentioned to the Master how frustrated I was that God was awarding ill acts. How could this happen, especially, since his chicaneries ways were continuing? As usual, “let it be” was the Master’s answer.

Up until now I had been making an effort to learn this lesson. First, I had just practiced not listening to myself and not judging the Master. Second, I practiced “letting it be,” even though I didn’t know what he meant or what I should do, I began to focus on what it meant to “let it be.” Eventually, I was driven to other ways of thinking which were different than my own habitual thinking until, finally, the “Ah Ha” moment arrived. This was that day.

He was teaching me a practical way to understand and experience the difference between duty and faith. “Let it be” didn’t mean to not do your duty. It meant to let the anger, the frustration, the hate, the jealousy, the fear go. Everyone’s karma is their own karma, so why fret over another’s. It’s useless and self-destructive. Just do what you must and leave others to their own situations. Worrying, or being caught up in other people’s trips has no long term positive outcome. Be smart and focus elsewhere.

 In fact,  it really all comes back to our basic teaching: God is the doer and the only argument one should have is with Him, the Creator. Have Faith in the Ultimate and stop wasting time thinking about useless things. This is why I love the Beatles song “Let it be.” It has become a reminder to me how faith trumps manufactured duty without compromising true duty. Stay tuned

In the Humility of Service and Gratitude,
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa 
Chief of Protocol 

