2013年1月13日 星期日

台灣第一屆昆達里尼瑜珈療癒師訓練 2013年2月

昆達里尼瑜珈是最快通往覺知路途的瑜它非常的精妙Yogi Bhajan所教導的昆達里尼瑜珈連結脈輪與我們精微的能量體共同運作 所以是非常安全快速而有效的提升能量 通往覺醒道路然而在Prana被發展起來的過程當中我們的身體自然獲得療癒身體也變得更加健康心情更加快樂而輕鬆

Kundalini Yoga is the most efficient approach to open up our awareness. It is devised with great subtlety. Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan connects to and aligns our chakras and our subtle energy bodies; therefore, it is a secure, effective way to elevate our energy, leading us to enlightenment. Along with the development, our Prana system come to be well-established. Our physical bodies then receive healing, and we gain happiness and a sense of well-being.

來自Guru Ram Das Center Shanti Shanti Kaur 博士的話:
Sat Nam與祝福! Guru Ram Das醫學與人學中心經常收到詢問針對特別疾病的練習組合(Kriyas), 例如:風濕性關節炎、心絞痛 、巴金森氏症、愛滋病、顛癇症、乳癌多發性硬化(神經系統的一種疾病)······等等。

也許你知道,沒有特定的Kriyas是針對這些病況的,甚至當Yogi Bhajan:「這是針對這個那個的」, 他通常是指預防,昆達里尼瑜原先是給健康人士去修煉的, 讓他們發展他們最高的潛能。這個體系,原本不是療癒體系,雖然說它有非常了不起的療效。我回答老師們詢問的問題,強調很關鍵的一點:我們是去教昆達里尼瑜,而不是去診斷疾病; 我們是教導患有這個疾病的人練習昆達里尼瑜,這是一門神聖的科學, 而學員的神聖能經由練習昆達里尼瑜而被喚醒。

這表示我們更認清每個學員,而且要知道他們所體驗到的情況,包括他們的力量、 能力······而不是他們的極限 。這樣,我們才能選最好的瑜珈和冥想去幫助他們身體康復。

此外, 我們要考慮瑜的應用 。例如:當Yogi Bhajan說:這是為了免疫系統 。 作為老師們我們必須問: 是免疫系統的哪些方面呢? 對什麼程度的學員最好呢? 能得到什麼功效呢? 通常Kriya針對某狀況其實已經不適合給生病的人了, 我們要能辨識學員需要什麼,而去選擇如寶藏般的昆達里尼瑜對學員最有幫助的;有時並不是一套我們常認為的--如同脊椎彎曲運動(騎駱駝)。調息本身就是一套很有效率的修煉.

瑜珈有一個基本規範:如果有學員生病, 老師們就必須知道--如何評估學員? 他們有什麼禁忌疾病的程度治療的副作用、學員的力量與極限;老師也要知道他們會帶些什麼給這個班, 那麼大家就要心照不宣而謙遜以對. 瑜珈課程如果能針對學員的力量、極限,、需求與能力,以及學員的舒適度而制定,就是最成功的(甚至在團體班裡)。我們培訓發心是發展對瑜珈的靈敏和學員的需求.“

Message from Guru Ram Das Center Shanti Shanti Kaur PhD:
"Sat Nam and blessings. The Guru Ram Das Center for medicine and Humanology frequently receives requests for information regarding kriyas for specific illnesses such as rheumatoid arthritis, angina, Parkinson’s, AIDS, epilepsy, breast cancer, multiple sclerosis, etc.

As you probably are aware, there are no kriyas specifically for these conditions. Even when Yogi Bhajan says that, “This is for such and such” he most often is speaking of prevention. Kundalini Yoga was originally taught to bring health people to their highest potential. As a system, it is not inherently a therapeutic model, even though it has enormous therapeutic benefits. One of the key things I tell teachers who ask me questions along these lines is we do not teach Kindalini Yoga to a diagnosis or a disease. We teach yoga to the person who has the disease. Kundalini Yoga is a sacred science. The sacredness of the student is awakened through it.

This means that we need to know more about the individual student and how they are experiencing the condition, including their strengths and capacities--not just their limitations—so that we can best select the yoga and meditation that will assist their body in getting well.

In addition, we need to consider the application of the yoga. For example, when Yogi Bhajan says, “This is for the immune system”, as teachers we must ask, what aspect of the immune system? Best suited for what level of student? And for what effect? Often kriyas “for” something are not suitable for people already ill. It is for us to distinguish what the student needs and to select, from the vast treasure of Kundalini Yoga, what will best serve the student. Sometimes this is not a “set” as we often think of it. Breathing is a therapeutic practice in itself, as is the spinal flex exercise.

There is a basic yogic protocol that teachers who have students with illness need to be aware of, including assessment of the student, contraindication, stage level of the illness, side effects of medical treatment, the strengths and limitations of the student. The teacher needs to become aware of what they being to the class as well, so that clarity and humility prevail. Yoga programs are most successful when tailored to the individual student, (even in a group class) based on the student’s strengths, limitations, needs, abilities, and the student’s comfort level. Developing sensitivity to the yoga and to the needs of the student is the heart of our training."


完成瑜珈療癒師培訓, 您可以:
  • 發展個人感知系統, 增強瑜教師的能量敏感度
  • 提高瑜教師的觀察力, 充分掌握學生(或病患)的學習狀況
  • 對選擇Kriya與冥想有清楚的認知, 幫助自我與學生選擇Kriya和冥想
  • 瞭解瑜療癒師發展的歷史, 熟知昆達里尼瑜療癒師的角色
  • 疾病, 療癒與生死學的探討
  • 學習瑜教師如何面對學生問題, 發展瑜珈療癒師諮商的能力
  • 寶瓶時代文明通病冷鬱症(Cold Depression)的療癒法與面對
  • 昆達瑜珈療癒師認證: 教導昆達里尼瑜珈給那些有健康狀況的人們- Prana就是醫藥. 以呼吸法克服冷鬱症的療癒應用.  此證亦獲加州註冊護士認證課程50.4小時; 加州行為科學所教育認證42小時; Yoga Alliance 教育認證42小時. 


After this course, you will learn:
  •  Develop self sensory system. Enhance the energy sensitivity as a yoga teacher.
  • Become an observant yoga teacher in order to know your student(or patient) well.
  • Gain better understanding of Kriyas and meditations, and the insight on selecting them for yourself or students.
  •  Learn the history of yoga therapists. Recognize the identity of a Kundalini yoga therapist.
  • Explore facets of disease, healing, and humanology of life and death.
  • Know the code of a yoga therapist to deal with students. Develop skills in consulting.
  • Cold Depression, the biggest challenge as we enter Aqurian Age, and its therapy.
  • Kundalini yoga therapist certification: Teaching Kundalini yoga to people with health problems training -- Prana as medicine, overcoming cold depression with pranayama. Completion of the courses is approved for 50.4 contact hours for nurses as required by the California Board of Registered Nurses, for 42.0 Continuing Education Credits for MFT's and LCSW's as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, and 42.0 Continuing Education Credits for Yoga Alliance.

這個系列課程分成兩大部分第一部分是瑜珈療癒師的基礎培訓 第二部分是針對專門的現代重大慢性疾病的輔助療癒包含糖尿病 癌症 高血壓心臟病 愛滋病 慢性疲勞 纖維肌炎長期沮喪焦慮生命過渡期等 如果您有興趣可以繼續鑽研 然完成第一個部分 始可參加第二個部分的課程.

The training consists of two phases, the first phase is the basic training of a yoga therapist, and the second phase specializes in adjunctive therapies of contemporary chronic illness, which covers diabetes, cancer, hypertension, heart disease, HIV disease, chronic fatique, fibromyalgia, long-term depression, anxiety, life transition, etc. You are most welcome to learn more if these courses meet your interests. However, you are required to complete the first phase before you enter the next phase.

Shanti Shanti Kaur 博士
她是Guru Ram Das Center人學與醫學中心的創立者, 在1971年便開始成為昆達理尼瑜教師, 專門教授那些診斷患有長期慢性病的病患, 1986年, 在Yogi Bhajan的指導下, Guru Ram Das Center 開始服務臨床病患, 包含了糖尿病, 癌症, 心臟病, 纖維肌炎, 慢性疲勞等計劃. 現在Guru Ram Das中心也開始了專業的訓練以及主持瑜練習對於醫療療效的研究計劃. 
在Shanti Shanti 老師的課程裡, 總是可以學到當年Yogi Bhajan是如何帶領學生的風範, 聽到好多啟發感人的Yogiji的故事. ..... 

Shanti Shanti Kaur Khalsa PhD
Shanti Shanti Kaur Khalsa, PhD is founder and director of the Guru Ram Das Center for Medicine & Humanology. A yoga instructor since 1971, she began to specialize in teaching Kundalini Yoga and Meditation to people with chronic or life threatening illness and their family members in 1986, under the direction of Yogi Bhajan. The Center provides direct client services and yogically based programs for people with diabetes, cancer, heart disease, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, HIV, anxiety, depression and life transitions. They have been offering professional training and conduct outcome studies on the medical effects of yoga practice.

It is really a privilege that in Shanti Shanti's teaching you get to learn about the altitude and attitude of Yogi Bhajan regarding how he had instruct his students. There are always more inspiring and touching stories about Yogi Bhajan to tell!

時間: 20132年3月9~14 日共六日
地點: 福隆福容海濱沙灘五星Villa渡假村(大海景觀教室)
費用: NT 45000 元(含六天活動食宿)
          早鳥價  NT38000元 (2/5前完成報名與匯款同時享有學費與食宿超優惠)  
報名: 請洽 Chandra Kirin Kaur ohsophie@gmail.com 索取報名表
報名截止日: 2013年2月18日 

Time: March 9-14, 2013

Place: Fullon Hotel & Resorts @Fulong, featuring five stars villas and ocean views
Tution: $1500 (includes food and accommodation for 6 days and 5 nights)
           early bird price $ 1600  (for whom completes registration by confirming the remittance no later than Feb. 5th)
Registration: For the registration form, please contact Chandra Kirin Kaur <ohsophie@gmail.com>
Registration Deadline: February 18, 2013

