2012年5月6日 星期日

給父母的特別課程 Be Conscious Parents!

無限智慧的Yogi Bhajan給後代留下許多教誨、方法跟技術以建立舒適的家及和平富足的世界,今日的兒童將會塑造明日的世界。
Yogi Bhajan in his infinite wisdom has left a legacy of teaching ,tools and technology to create cosy homes and a peaceful and prosperous world. The children of today will shape the world of tomorrow.

  • 甚麼是家長的責任;兒童有甚麼需求
  • 兒童心理的發展階段
  • 甚麼是親子關係
  • 發展信任
  • 作你孩子的教師
  • 飲食及營養
  • 兒童遊戲
  • 領導及紀律
  • 親子間的溝通
In this course we will explore childraising in relation to yogic philosophy.
  • What is the responsibility of the parent. What are a childs needs.
  • Stages of development of childs psyche.
  • What is the parent child relationship .
  • Developing trust.
  • Being a teacher to your child
  • diet and nutrition
  • child play
  • guidance and discipline
  • communication between parent and child.


