2016年12月12日 星期一

Yogi Bhajan,the sublime bath of destiny's path 「命運道途上的崇高試煉」


作者 Writer:Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

翻譯 Translators:Abhaijoti Kaur

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Sat Nam我的家人, ''溫暖親切又高深莫測 ''不是我強而有力的外表,到現在也還不是。我需要再加把力,我曾經看過Siri Singh Sahib,Yogi Bhajan將「溫暖親切又高深莫測」的形象演繹得非常完美,他就是表現得這麼自然,我卻沒辦法,很多次我都必須強迫自己要親民一點,但這不是我的慣性,所以到現在還沒辦法很自然地表現,接下來我會跟你說這些:「為了個人成長而逆向去追求本身的自然生命脈絡中所沒有的特質,絕對會讓你遠離阿茲海默症(老年痴呆症),在這過程當中,專注是必備的!」
Siri Singh Sahib(Yogi Bhajan)設了一個很高的標準,當我知道他被傷得很深的時候,就會表現出「溫暖親切又高深莫測」的樣子,我看到他大部分的時間,都躺在床上,帶著極大的痛苦靈魂出體,離開地球,幾乎每天都有ㄧ大群學生, 等著被帶領到他的臥房尋求諮商和安慰,他竭盡所能的幫助每一個人。在其中一次會面完後,我問他:「sir,難道你不需要休息嗎?」他的回答再度展現了他的優雅~他說:「孩子,如果你想免除你的痛苦,就去幫助其他人從他們的痛苦中解脫」真是ㄧ語道破,這就是有著堅強外表 的Yogi Bhajan.
Yogi Bhajan教會我「溫暖親切又高深莫測」是有用的,人們需要這特質,這是一個職業或是靈性導師要具備的服務特質且真心誠意,你沒辦法只是看起來很好,而是要打從骨子裡的好,你不能愚弄大地之母,我可是沒有退路的把自己交付出去,且我也清楚的知道,在這特質之外的任何言行,都不會被我的上師以及上帝所認可。
實踐真理不分形式,不管你是錫克教徒、基督教徒、猶太教徒,或任何其他形式,都將引領你走向屬於你的天命之路,直到你的生命依直覺而行,這是會發生的,別放棄!實踐真理中你最不想實踐的部分,就像「溫暖親切又高深莫測」的概念~在你想放棄時、不方便時、跨越你的舒適圈去實踐它。你的天命將會顯露,你的直覺會引領你到ㄧ個圓滿的境界"Santokh",你的生命將變得"sukh sahej ",平靜又輕鬆。

MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

Yogi Bhajan, The Sublime Bath of Destiny’s Path
Sat Nam Dear Family,
“Warm and Fuzzy” just wasn’t my strong suit, still isn’t. I have to force myself. I saw the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan demonstrate “Warm and Fuzzy” fabulously. With him it came naturally, not so much with me. Many times I have to force myself to be gentler. It’s against my habits, still it must be done. I’ll tell you this: these kinds of pursuits which go against one’s natural grain in order to grow, definitely keep Alzheimer’s away. Focus is a must!
The Siri Singh Sahib set a high standard. I saw him “Warm and Fuzzy” when I knew that he was hurting deeply. I saw him spending most of his time in his bed as he was leaving this earth and in great discomfort, yet, still, everyday there was a procession of students ushered into his bedroom who were in need of his counseling and comforting. He gave his all to all. After one of these sessions I asked, “sir, don’t you just need to rest?” Once again, his answer verified his grace, “Son, if you want to relieve your own pain, help someone else relieve their own.” That said it all. That’s who he was in a nutshell.
One of the great tests you can give yourself is to see how giving you can be when you definitely don’t want to. That will tell you a lot about yourself if you analyze yourself neutrally. That’s the trick. Where is neutrality found? Will it affect my needs? How much pain will I go through to get to a neutral place?
His example taught me that “Warm and Fuzzy” works. People need it. It’s the job or a spiritual teacher to serve the needs of others - and mean it. You can’t get away with just looking good, you have to truly be good. You can’t fool Mother Nature. I give myself no other choice. I’m smart enough to know that any other thought or action outside of the choice of being “Warm and Fuzzy” won’t be acknowledged by my Guru, my God, and others. So, “Warm and Fuzzy” it is.
The process I’ve been blessed to receive was already designed for me. In fact, it’s already designed for every soul. One way to conquer life is to master the way in which your destiny is designed. You may not know it or acknowledge it, but there is a designed destiny path for each life in order to overcome death. As the Guru Says, (paraphrased) “To be alive while dead is the essence of life.” When this conundrum is answered and lived, life is truly worth living. It’s up to each of us to find it and master it.
Mastering your destiny path can be accomplished in this lifetime, or not. It’s the ‘or not’ that bothers me. The thought of losing the opportunity to eliminate lifetimes of misery is almost too much to bear. The purpose of life is happiness. Pursuing your destiny is the way to true happiness. If we refuse to see this, or can’t see it, or deny or avoid seeing it then, unnecessarily, lifetimes of suffering will definitely be the result.
So, be smart and be ahead of the curve. Practice pursuing and mastering your destiny’s path. My advice is: the sooner the better. There’s already enough suffering on everyone’s plate, so why create more when it’s so needless. Stop it now; especially since you have the opportunity to do so.
The question arises: How do I find my destiny path and how do I master it? These are very good questions. People do ask the right questions, it’s just a lot more difficult to do the answer than hear it. So, be prepared engage this answer, not just fake it, explore it, try it, whatever it. The pursuit of serving the truth is a lifelong pursuit. It never ends. At some point, the pursuit becomes effortless, then it becomes joyous, it becomes grateful, it becomes an intoxication in pursuit of the truth, then obedience to the truth becomes automatic and devotional, then it becomes the surrender to His will, it becomes you.
Practice the truth in whatever form it may be, Sikhism, Christianity, Judaism, you name it and it will lead you to your destiny’s path. Practice until true intuition takes over your life. It will happen. Don’t give up. Practice the parts of the truth you don’t want to practice, like “Warm and Fuzzy.” Practice when you don’t want to; practice when it’s inconvenient; practice beyond comfort. Your destiny will be revealed. Your intuition will lead to a place of “santokh,” contentment. Your life will become “sukh sahej”, peaceful and easy.
Practicing the truth in any form a wonderful path; it’s the path to merger with God, with Infinity. And, here’s the good news: all it takes is keep up in practicing to get better. It sounds simple, but it’s been my experience that it’s not easy at all, at least for me it wasn’t. And, for me, it was as easy as I could have ever possibly imagined, but, still, at some point or points, it’s hard for everyone to keep up.
Everyone is tested at their most vulnerable points. Believe me, these points are treacherous, in fact, these points are extremely perilous because many times they aren’t even noticeable - how do you practice something you don’t know about! And, even if we are lucky enough to see it, many times all we’re able to see is the insecurity these tests impart, not the opportunity they bring. But, that too, is part of the process.
Your destiny path is the ultimate spiritual challenge; it’s a test to overcome doubt leading to judgment. Keeping up, especially when you don’t want to, makes a person strong. Doubt and judgment no longer are in control. A big chunk of life has been challenged and defeated. Life has a different flavor. It becomes more expansive, sophisticated, sensitive, grateful and elevated. Practice following God’s true teaching and see what happens. Stay tuned
In the Humility of Service and Gratitude,
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
Chief of Protocol

